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Evie Boss became a member of Gilda’s Club eight years ago when she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She initially joined the choir and was so warmly welcomed that it wasn’t long before she also became a volunteer. She helps wherever she can around the clubhouse but her absolute passion is making music. She joined the guitar club and then with executive director; Joe Perry, started a coffee house to encourage people to share their music. When Joe left to take another job, Evie kept the coffee house and guitar club going.

Four years ago Evie was introduced to the ukulele through Paint Creek Folklore Society and it has become her signature instrument. She saw how frustrated adults were when trying to learn to play the guitar and so she started a uke group… Gilda’s Stringers. She started with a dozen people interested in learning to play and we now have over 30 members! We no longer have a guitar group at Gilda’s but we have a string jam twice a month (which includes lap dulcimer, banjo, guitar, mandolin, and ukulele), native American flute twice a month, a monthly drumming circle, and the ukulele group that meets every Tuesday (except the first Tuesday of each month) from 5:30 -6:30. Evie is usually available starting at 4:30 to help newcomers learn a few techniques so they can join in our group strums.


Evie also has musical programs she does for preschools and offers workshops for early education teachers.



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